Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Artist Statement 

I am planning on creating two pieces that depict the feelings associated with being stuck in an abusive relationship. One will show overwhelming, suffocating thoughts and the other will show how it feels to be out of the relationship. The pain will be tiny and distant. I don't aim to show what abuse looks like from the outside, but what it feels like on the inside. 

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Artist Statement 

I want to show the process of nausea and vomiting from either an inside or outside perspective. I'm interested in the shapes of intestines and organs inside the stomach and I think it would be interesting to research the science behind throwing up. Showing the process the body goes though on the inside in order to vomit would become the visual sequential narrative. My other idea would be to show how nausea looks to someone from the outside. I would show the process of someone holding their stomach all the way to actually bending over and throwing up.